Bill Young Tuition Waiver

C. W. Bill Young Tuition Waiver Program

The C. W. Bill Young Tuition Waiver Program (Chapter 1009.26, Section 36, Subsections (13) and (14) (a) Florida Statutes) waive out-of-state tuition and fees for an honorably discharged veteran of the United States Armed Forces, United States Reserve Forces, or the National Guard who physically reside within the state of Florida while enrolled at any UCF Campus.  This waiver may also be used by veterans and eligible dependents who are receiving educational assistance from the US Department of  Veteran Affairs (VA).  Active Duty members of the Armed Forces who reside or are stationed outside of Florida are also eligible for the Out-Of-State waiver.

Please Note: This waiver does NOT change a student’s residency status.  Please complete the Residency Declaration for Tuition Purposes form

Application Requirements

For the Veteran:

  • DD-214 Showing Honorable Discharge
  • Proof of residency within the state of Florida in the form of one of the following:
    • Proof of water, electric, or natural gas bill
    • Proof of a lease agreement
    • A declaration of domicile in Florida
    • Proof of permanent employment in Florida (letter on company letterhead states that the claimant will be employed at least 20 hours per week)
  • The waiver, with the required proof of verification documentation, must be submitted EACH semester the waiver is intended to be used.
  • The veteran does not need to be using GI Bill Benefit to receive the waiver.  If the veterans are not certifying their benefits in a particular semester, it is the responsibility of the veteran to advise the Office of Military and Veteran Student Success (MVSS) in writing of their intent to continue using the waiver by emailing their request, including their full name and UCF identification number to  The appropriate waiver documentations much have been completed and submitted to the MVSS.

For any individual receiving educational assistance from the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), [Chapters 30, 31, 33, 33TOE, 35, 1606, and 1607]:

  • VA Certificate of eligibility or VA Form 28-1905
  • Certification form completed and submitted (dependent MUST be using benefits)
  • Proof of residency within the state of Florida in the form of one of the following:
    • Proof of water, electric, or natural gas bill
    • Proof of a lease agreement
    • A declaration of domicile in Florida
    • Proof of permanent employment in Florida (letter on company letterhead stating that the claimant will be employed at least 20 hours per week)

For Active Duty residing or stationed outside the state of Florida

  • Proof of Active-Duty Status

Deadline and Other Important Information

Priority processing of the application for the C. W. Bill Young Tuition Waiver must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on the FRIDAY of the first week of classes for the upcoming semester.

The applicant will need to download the Out of State Tuition Waiver Form and submit all required documents to the Office of Military and Veteran Student Success (MVSS) by the stated deadline.

The MVSS reserves the right to request additional documentation to ensure compliance with Florida Statutes.