Sunday, August 7th is National Purple Heart Day!


Celebrated each August 7, Purple Heart Day is an opportunity for Americans to say “Thank you” to the brave warriors who have courageously fought for freedom around the world, warriors who bear the scars of battles and wars fought in far off lands to preserve our democratic principles and the promise of freedom.


Purple Heart Day is a time to pause, reflect, and give gratitude to those brave warriors who have been wounded in conflict while serving this great Nation. 


On this Purple Heart Day, we are honored and privileged to announce that the University of Central Florida has been designated as a “Purple Heart University” by the Department of Florida, Military Order of the Purple Heart.  The University of Central Florida has committed to serving our veterans and military-connected students through the Office of Military & Veteran Student Success, the Veterans’ History Project, and UCF Restores.  We are focused on providing world-class service to our veterans and military-connected students throughout their educational journey.


The Office of Military & Veteran Student Success will be hosting a ceremony on Nov 17, 2022 on Memory Mall to officially receive the proclamation with more details forthcoming.